November 17

Weekly Photo Challenge

At the beginning of the school year we read Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord.  This was my favorite book this summer, probably because of the photography contest the two main characters, Lucy and Nate, participate in.  Each week I give the kids a photo challenge from the book.  I made a slight change to the contest, with each photo students have to include a six words or less title.  They can interpret the challenge anyway they want.  Students have a week to complete the challenge and email them to me.  We view and vote for the top five most interesting and original interpretation.  We have enough challenges for the entire school year.  I look forward to sharing more as we go.

One challenge was “Design”.








Another challenge was “Three Feet”






Here is a challenge for you…can you comment below what the Six Words or Less description would be for these photos?

November 17

Socratic Seminar-The Lorax

Our class participated in our first Socratic Seminar today.  A Socratic Seminar is a formal discussion, based on a text, in which the leader asks open-ended questions. Within the context of the discussion, students listen closely to the comments of others, thinking critically for themselves, and articulate their own thoughts and their responses to the thoughts of others.

Day 1: The class was introduced to the process of the discussion.  We talked about the difference between a discussion and a debate.  We also set “rules” that we would all agree to follow.  We watched a few youtube videos showing students participating in Socratic Seminars.  They were quite impressed that most of the videos showed middle school students.  I assured them they were up to the challenge.  

We also talked about roles some students would take in the seminar. We would have a Time Keeper to keep us moving through the conversation; two Score Keepers to keep track of responses; and the Focus Keeper to be sure we stay on track.  I told them these jobs would be filled randomly by me this first time, but next time they can volunteer for these.  We also discussed how having this conversation was like talking with your family or friends.  We wouldn’t be raising our hands, instead we would jump in when we had something to share or ask and if two people spoke at the same time we would politely take turns.  

Day 2: We read the book The Lorax By Dr. Seuss.  As part of the process students prepared for our discussion by highlighted parts of the text they wanted to be sure and site as well as answered open ended questions, they would use during the discussion.

Day 3: The Seminar!  We sat in a circle on the floor.  I sat on the outside of the circle because my only job today was to read the questions aloud.  Students had their copies of The Lorax and  discussion questions, a pencil to take notes and we were ready to go.  

The conversation was AMAZING!  I was so completely impressed by thisimg_2118-min.  I have had Socratic Seminars in the  past with 4th and 5th graders, but this was quite different.  For their first ever seminar they did so well.  img_2124-min

On the surface, The Lorax seems like a book about the environment and each of us have an important role in saving our natural resources.  This was definitely discussed but that was only the tip of the conversation.  Deeper messages of sanding up for those that don’t have the courage or voice to do so and that one person can make adifference.   I didn’t have to prompt anyone or bring up these underlying messages.

We did a quick debrief about how they felt it went.  It was funny I was applauding them for a job well done and they were pointing out how they could improve.  Love that mindset…we can always do better, we can always go further.

img_2126-minThe last piece is the self evaluation.  Students answer a few simple questions about what they learned, what the agreed with, and what the
y disagreed with.  They scored themselves on a rubric as well.  The rubric covered everything from preparation to participation in the discussion.  We are already talking about our next Socratic Seminar!


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